Thursday, February 2, 2012

Finally fun!

We almost always have fun, but for the last 4 days we have been dealing with really sick kids. 104 degree fever, don't sleep all night sick. They both got hand foot mouth. Eleanor got a severe case, with blisters all over her lower part of her body, little hands and arms, and inside and outside her mouth. Lil still got the feel sick part, but scraped by with just a few blisters in her mouth.

We have a gorgeous forecast for the next 5 days, so since we are still contagious we thought it would be fun to enjoy our great yard.

Lillian was of course really excited. Once we got out, she went right for the swing and loved it.

I put Elle on the grass to play and she stood like a statue for at least five minutes. Finally I realized she hasn't played outside at our house since she could walk! I held her hand and showed her around and then she jumped right in. We all had a blast, and ended our fun afternoon with some Yummy popcorn inside!

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