Monday, March 26, 2012

Tucson trip in a nutshell

We have been back from Tucson for about three weeks now. It was a great trip, but was also very exhausting with both girls getting hardly any sleep. We had so much fun visiting with all the grandparents, went to the zoo a few times, went to the mini museum, discovered how awesome chuck e cheese is, went to the children's museum, visited with lots of friends and family, and spent lots of time outside. The girls loved playing at gapa you's and c-shells house, they loved feeding the birds in the evenings, playing chuck e cheese, playing mcdonalds in the back yard, and laughing and having fun. They loved the mini museum and chuck e cheese day. I especially loved Elle nervously walking over the glass village, and lillian look at all the miniatures in wonder. We also had a blast with meemaw and gapa tom. The girls loved playing with all the fun toys, going out on the patio, playing under the dining table in the "tent", snuggling up to read books, feed Jackson some Yummy food, and having a blast. They loved the children's museum. It was fun to see how excited they got to explore all the fun stuff there! As a family we had a blast at the u of a. We went to the bookstore and let the girls pick out shirts. Lil picked out a wilma shirt and Elle picked out wilbur. They loved walking around the campus. After we went to lunch at frog and firkin and had a delicious pizza. Such good memories and so fun being home. We look forward to our next visit!

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