Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cable cuddles

Today was incredibly busy and also incredibly fun. My highlights of the day were first when we went to comcast cable and there was a bit of a wait. Of course I wasn't much entertainment returning a giant cable box, so when Elle asked.me to walk around with her I said not now, ask lillian. So she went and got lil and dragged her around the store, hand in hand. So cute. My second fav memory was when we were in the car after a somewhat rough afternoon and I was on the phone with tom. I told him "everything is right now, I have my coffee, the girls have lollipops, we are driving and the girls haven't made a peep". From the backseat I hear lillian go "peep!". I cracked up, we all did. Oh how they can turn you from grumpy to happy in minutes. :-)

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