Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter egg extravaganza!

We had such a fun day today, and it all started with gorgeous sunshine. We walked from our house to downtown, about a fifteen minute walk, and waited in line for the Easter egg hunt at wild birds unlimited. The girls were very excited, especially lillian. When they let the kids in to get eggs, lillian jumped right in and got some eggs. Eleanor was skeptical and I had to hand her eggs to put in her bag. :-). Both girls got to meet the Easter bunny, and much to our surprise, lillian ran right up to him and gave him hugs. She kept going back to him and holding his hand. So sweet. Eleanor needed daddy to hold her if we got near the bunny, but she was definitely interested in him! We walked back home, well mostly I crawled up the big hill, and tom powered through with lillian in a backpack and Eleanor in a stroller. So strong!

After the hunt, we went to the farmers market at uptown, which was a little much for Elle. She didn't want to walk, be held, or ride in a stroller, until we got tutti fruity popcorn. She Sat down right away in the stroller for that. ;-). We went to a fun lunch, then home for naps. After naps, the girls "decorated" Easter eggs, which were plastic, and decorated by putting stickers on them. They had a blast.

What a gorgeous day we had today. Tomorrow is supposed to be just as nice, and what a great way to remember what Jesus did for us! It is so cute because when you ask lillian why we celebrate Easter, she says "baby Jesus", and when you ask what Jesus did for us on Easter, she says "Jesus saved us". So sweet.

One last cute story. After dinner, we wanted to go on a family walk, but I couldn't find my jacket. Tom looked in the car and downstairs. It was mo where to be seen. I went upstairs to look again, and tom yells to me "Eleanor found it!". She dragged it in the kitchen from who knows where saying mama, mama, mama, mama, and smiled when I praised her for helping us. Amazing what she understands and how helpful she is. So sweet.

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