Like always, we rushed out the door so we could make it early to our event of the day, library story time. Lillian was so excited to go, and after rushing her to the car, zooming to the library and practically running in, we made it. Early. That's just my style! I hate, hate hate being late, and think it is so rude when I am. Well, we started off with a boom. When I took lillian out of her carseat, I noticed her clothes were the slightest bit damp. I attributed it to a malfunctioning sippy cup, and we went on our way. I got both Elle and lillian inside for story time. They start out with about twenty minutes of free play. As Elle tried unsuccessfully to eat the raw oatmeal being used for scooping and pouring, I noticed lillians pants getting wetter and wetter. Upon inspection, I expected to see a sideways or very very full diaper. Nope. A sideways diaper would've been better than this. My barely two year old, who isn't potty trained, had NO diaper whatsoever. Instead of finding a diaper, I found a nakey little booty. I took her in the hallway planning on diapering and leaving, but upon her sweet little pleas of "pay, pay, pay?", and "peas?", I decided that if she didn't sit down we could stay. She stood the entire rest of the program, bless her little heart. She danced her little heart out, loved the books and gave Elle lots of little kisses. At the end, I thought we had survived another story time. The parachute was out and being wildly shaken by twenty or so exuberant toddlers. Lillian decided she wAnted to try, but as soon as she touched the parachute, it startled her. She ran to me, and attempted to climb up my leg. At that point I had on stretchy, workout like pants on. She climbed, and down they went, to expose my underpants to twenty busy, thank goodness, toddlers and their mama's. Only half of my pants came down, and only a few moms noticed. I noticed though. We promptly left, and when I went back the following day for a fun casper babypants concert, I wore jeans. With a button.
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