Thursday, December 12, 2013

All the silly little things :)

These girls. They are so sweet. So amazing. So full of life and love! They bring so much sunshine to this little family of ours, and I love them so much. I wanted to give a little update on each girl, and also write some cute things they say and do so we don't forget someday. 

Lillian- she is getting to be such a big girl! She can do almost everything herself, and if she can't, she usually thinks she can and tries anyways. :). She is very sweet, and loves to play pretend. She can spend so much time with crayons and a pad of paper. Her new favorite thing to do is to make lists. She draws what is supposed to be on the list and then explains to us what it all means. She is also convinced right now that this baby boy we are having won't be our last. Ha ha ha ha ha. Daddy says no, so no more. ;). She becomes an even more amazing big sister every day. She helps with Caroline, loves to hold her and cuddle her and read her books, and alerts me if Caroline is doing something dangerous. So sweet. And she loves Eleanor just as much. She acts like she's lost an arm if Eleanor isn't around to play. They spend most of their day playing so nicely together, playing house, dress up, make believe or dollhouse. I'm so proud of this little girl and who she is becoming. She is absolutely amazing, brilliant and fun. She laughs all the time, loves to have fun and learn, and thinks mommy and daddy are pretty funny. She's at the age where it's fun to just sit and chat with her. Can you tell I'm smitten? I feel like its so bittersweet- she isn't a toddler and almost isn't a preschooler. She is looking and acting like a big kid. I LOVE it, but I also will remember her little years so fondly. She has always been a joy, and always will be. Her favorite show is dragon tales,  but she likes dora and anything mermaid or fairies. She told me the other night after I made homemade honey sesame chicken "thank you mommy for making us a wonderful dinner!"  If that doesn't make you want to cook up a storm for your kid, I don't know what will! She loves to dance and sing, and pretend to be a ballerina. She can't wait to go with daddy to her first daddy daughter ball in the spring. Her laughter and smile is contagious as is her sweet personality. Her favorite song is probably "the spooky song" she learned at preschool. It has something to do with a lady who is walking up to a house to open a door.  Lil sways side to side as she sings it, and sings in such a sweet voice, then at the end a huge "BOO!" Comes out and she roars with laughter. She is a friend to everyone, hasn't ever been mean to anyone, and thinks everyone is so nice. Such a positive way to be. 

Eleanor- this kid cracks is up, and is one of the most loving little one that I've known. She is so caring- I've had a cough for close to a month now, and almost daily she asks how I'm feeling, gets me cough drops, and often times tells me to go take a "wittle nap". She worries about people when they're sad or hurt or sick, and wants to help them feel better. She accidentally hit Caroline with a toy and she felt so bad, she kept saying she was sorry and that she was worried about her. She loves to tell us to "hold her a lot" or to "hold her forever and ever". She also sings "hold me now, aaaahhhhhh" all the time. She is snuggly and sweet. She loves to help doing anything. She can already hang up clothes on a hanger! She almost always helps with that. She gets the baby her diapers and helps me change non stinky ones. I'm convinced that in a year she will be a diaper changing pro. She sings to Caroline when she's feeling sad, and is so happy to be a sister to lil and Caroline. She is almost always happy, and doesn't have a problem telling us or others what she is feeling or thinking (a gift I think!). She is so smart and loves to pretend to be a doctor or nurse. She also loves animals and baby dolls. Her and lil are almost always playing some sort of make believe game, and they have so much fun together. Best friends forever. They hardly ever fight, and mostly get upset when one doesn't feel like playing right then. Her favorite song is "hush little baby don't say a word" but she loves all the lullaby songs. She tells me often "I'm a little bit big but a little bit little". Hee hee. She loves to show us her "tricks", which might include jumping off the couch and summer soling onto the floor, hopping around the room,  or hiding a toy behind her back. Her favorite show is probably dragon tales, but she loves dora and doc mcstuffins too, and sometimes Barney depending on her mood. She is brave, sweet, helpful and amazing. I am so in love with her and proud of her for being such a kind hearted little girl. 

Caroline- sweet sweet little baby girl. This kid is SO easy and SO outspoken. That makes her easy! She tells you exactly what she wants and how she wants it! She is so happy, and smiles almost all day. She loves loves loves baby dolls. She loves her sisters even more. She plays with them all day too, following them around and doing what they do. She loves to say "uhhhhhhh oooooooooh" all the time now. She can say mama, dada, baby, down, up, more, all done, hi, bye bye, me, that, pop pop, wa wa, book, night night, bed, dog and more. She is so sweet. She cracks us up because when she's hungry, she clicks her tongue. We think she started this because it sounds like you're clicking when playing pretend and pretending to eat food. I love it and hope it doesn't go away anytime soon. I usually can't walk through the kitchen with her without her clicking her tongue and pointing at some food that looks yummy to her. The way she says cheese melts my heart. She will say it anytime I take a picture, it comes out as "sheeese!" With a big grin. Or she will ask to eat cheese too. She loves to give kisses and hugs, and loves to snuggle. She would let someone hold her all day if they wanted to or could. She loves to clean things up and loves to do the right thing. She's a little ham, and loves making anyone laugh. She knows the order of things so after dinner almost everyday, she asks for her "baaaah" (bath) and makes sure I know what she means by pretending to rub soap on her body. She loves the water and can stay in a bath for so long! She doesn't really like shows yet, but there's one show she likes, called the wheels on the bus. It's a bunch of animal puppets and people who go on adventures. It has lots of singing. So cute. She LOVES to sing and starting humming to songs at 6 months. She can now carry a tune! She belts our made up songs often. The other day she sang a baby song (baby over and over) to a sweet tune while we were driving. So cute. We are so lucky to have her. She is so happy and sweet and fun. What a blessing  she is. 

Baby boy- he is starting to kick a lot! My very favorite part of pregnancy. The girls frequently blow raspberries on my tummy and I make the baby say "what the heck was that?!?!?!" And they all crack up. Elle sings him songs and snuggles him by laying on top of me, and prays for him too. Lillian thinks of lots of good names for him, and loves him already. They're so excited for April! Caroline has started kissing my belly but I don't think she gets it yet. She loves babies and anything to Do with them, so I have no doubt she will be an amazing big sis!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

It's a baby BOY!!!

The day came for us to find out what sweet baby 4 was going to be. Tom and I were convinced it was another girl, and the big girls each flip flopped quite a bit. We decided during the ultrasound it would be fun for Tom to find out, and then order a special cake with either pink or blue frosting inside so me and the girls could find out later together. It was hard to wait to find out, but it was so fun! Cutting into the cake, I expected to see pink on the knife. I saw blue, but assumed it was from the exterior frosting. Upon totally slicing the cake open, I discovered it was BLUE! I was in shock! I still am. A sweet bouncing baby boy to complete our family. I am so beyond excited to enter this boy world. The girls are excited to have a boy baby to play with. Lillian already decided she would get him a Spider-Man toy for his birthday, and wanted to know what kinds of things he would like to play with her. We can't wait to welcome baby boy bailey in April 2014! So in love already! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Sweet Lillian turns four!!!!!

I can't believe that Lillian is four. I used to feel sad every year she would get older, but now that she is older, I am loving every second. She loves to do so many fun things, has fairly predictable behavior and is so sweet and funny! I just love her to pieces. Her and Eleanor are best buddies. They play with their little dollhouse together all day practically and don't fight often. They're so sweet together and so much fun. So blessed.  

Lillian's birthday was a lot of fun! She had school on her birthday, and daddy made sure to take the day off. He went into school to celebrate with her. She loves when daddy goes to school with her. Such a great daddy! 

We had her party about a week later, and it was princess, Dora and Minnie Mouse themed. :). Mama made a Dora cake and we ordered one just in case it didn't turn out. Ha ha. We had some fun friends over and were lucky enough to have grandma Cshell in town for the party, making it that much more fun. (We also had a great time with her visiting!). Eleanor and Caroline also had fun at the party. So lucky to have such sweet friends and so blessed to have the sweetest girls and husband ever. :)

California dreamin!

Wow! We had an amazing trip to California a few months ago, and I can't believe I haven't written about it until now. We drove down to San Clemente with several stops on the way. On the way down, we stopped in Eugene, Oregon, Fairfield, California, and pismo beach California. We thought the driving part would be miserable with a 3 (almost 4) year old, a 2.5 year old and a 9 month old who screamed on the way to even the grocery store. We were so lucky that the driving part was part of the fun! We had lots of fun movies to watch, songs to sing and stories to tell. The girls had tons if yummy snacks and had so much fun. All the hotels we stayed at had pools so we got to enjoy swimming on our way down! The girls had so much fun, and so did we. We loved playing on the beach so much too. We stayed in San Clemente, California, which is an awesome little beach town. The girls thought everything we did was SO fun, even just going to Walmart to get some beach towels. They slept better than we could've asked, and were so well behaved as usual. We surprised them with a day at Disneyland, and thinking about it seems like a dream. It was just perfect and so fun. They met some characters there, and went on a lot of rides. Even Caroline enjoyed the rides! Winnie the Pooh, dumbo, small world and teacups were their favorite. They also adored the fun parade at the end of the day. We did something fun every single day, and wish we were back on vacation now. Such fun memories and such a perfect little trip. Can't wait to do it again with our three little beach bums! 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dancing for Him!

I haven't written a blog in a while because, well, I am too busy having so much fun and enjoying these three girls! They are all amazing and sweet and so easy. They have a tremendous amount of love for each other and they are such good girls. Caroline is almost crawling, but can easily and quickly scoot or roll to anything! Her sisters are very protective of her, and try to clear a path for her or take away anything they think could hurt her! So sweet. She gets tons of kisses and hugs, probably more than she wants. ;) She loved food of any kind, and has tried rice cereal, baby crackers, avocado, black olives, mango, grapes in a food feeder, banana and carrots. She's an easy, laid back sweet thing. I often times can't seem to get enough of her. She is just the definition of sweet and easy!

We love to listen to worship songs at home, and dance and sing together. One of my favorite things about going to church now on Sundays is the worship time before we take the kids to nursery. They stay with us for about 3 songs, and they dance their little hearts out. It is so adorable and heart warming. Lil and Elle held hands today and danced and danced, kissing and hugging randomly. Daddy got some good Eleanor smooches on both cheeks, ending with an "I love you Sooooooooo much daddy!" Lillian is starting to recognize some songs, so hearing her sing praise to God is pretty amazing and sweet. She is full of love for God. She told us yesterday "mommy, some people do not have God in their hearts. I have God in my heart. Even some people who have a house don't have God in their heart, and that is very sad. ". That is very sad little one, because the joy of knowing God, and the peace that comes from him is amazing. We should pray for those who don't know Him!!!!! The song Lillian really sang loud today was about all the things we should thank Jesus for. There are SO many things. We are so blessed. I love my family, I love my life, thank you Jesus for everything.

Lillian decided she really wanted to take the school bus to school! I have been so reluctant to let her, but it is only for preschoolers SO I told her we could try. She was incredibly brave, so excited and did so great. She jumped on the bus, smiled and waved goodbye, and didn't look back. She came home on the bus too, and told daddy she wanted to take the bus every day, and didn't want mommy and daddy to drive her anymore. Hee hee. Adorable! So proud of that little one! Lillian loves to color and draw, and can easily spend close to an hour and a half drawing! She draws the cutest stick figures I have seen, and is starting to try to draw animals and other things. We recently wrote a book together (I put her words on paper and she drew) and she named it "so many monsters". It was very creative and had a great story line! She loves to learn, and loves to play. She is incredibly independent and helpful. She loves her "suggles" and wakes me up in the morning by kissing me gently and repeatedly on my cheek. Then she heads into her room to play until Elle is awake, and goes to get Elle once she wakes up. (Of course mommy is there too!).

Elle is such a sweet and funny little girl. She has a giant vocabulary, and says the most hilarious things! I love that pony tails are called "hairy tales!" When she climbs into her crib at night herself (saying no no no, me me me! If I try to actually put her in), she has to give a kiss on each of our cheeks. She says the word "yummy" so adorable and she knows it cracks me up, so she does it randomly now. (Yummmmm meeeeeeeeeeee!) She loves to sing, loves to laugh and make others laugh, loves to give kisses and hugs, and loves to do things all by herself like a big girl. She's amazing!

So really and truly, thank you Jesus for the life you have given us!!!!! We are blessed.