Monday, December 17, 2012

Lovely Lillian

I just love that if Lillian is no where to be found, you can likely find her in her room ripping through her closet and drawers trying on as many outfits as possible. She is so cute, and loves to come model them for us. She has also started "reading" books with us, which is more of a mumbling as you read to her. It is quite distracting to have a little voice mumble random words when trying to read, but so so adorable. Love that girl!

Hairy tales

Elle belle never ceases to crack us up. She loves making us laugh and has an adorable laugh I hope she keeps. She recently just started calling pony tails "hairy tales" which is hilarious! Daddy also taught her to yell "trust fall!" As she jumps or falls into someone's arms unexpectedly. Laughter follows. Such joy she brings. She has also been randomly kissing and hugging us and telling is how much she loves us. Sweet sweet girl.

On the move!

Today Caroline rolled over the very first time. She is now on the move! She can only roll from her back to belly but once she can roll the other way too, watch out because she will be on the go. ;)