Friday, July 30, 2010

Yet another beach day...... Owen Beach!

Who would've ever thought- another beach day! Lillian had so much fun. This time we had some great friends in town (Christian and Kirsten), and we all had a blast. Lillian's favorite thing was to collect rocks, sometimes attempting to eat them, but usually putting them in her sand bucket. After watching all 4 of us skip rocks on the sound, she decided she'd give it a try. Her attempt at throwing rocks, turned into dropping them at her side, and all of us cheering for her. She was VERY proud of her rock throwing/skipping skills. Love that girl! She also spent a lot of time pushing her stroller like a big girl! As Lillian was walking down the walking path, I noticed a large bumblebee on her shirt. Instead of calmly getting it off, I ran to her screaming, terrifying the poor girl (not knowing if she's allergic or not), swatting the thing off of her, only to have it fly right back onto her, this time trying to get under her hat! I really freaked then, scooping her up and swatting it off, meanwhile Lillian is screaming in horror. Thinking I was successful, I started sprinting away, only to have Tom point out that it was on my pants! I then put Lillian down, swatted it off, and sang "I'm squishing up a baby bumblebee!" Just kidding on the song, but he really did get squished! ;)

Trip to Narrows Beach

So one of Lillian's favorite outings happens to be going to the beach! We all love it, in fact, especially on sunny warm days! The Narrows Beach is pretty close to our house, and has a wonderful view of Tacoma and the Narrows Bridge. Only problem is that the beach is very steep, and a little muddy, so we always end up going home in just a diaper, and with sand ALL over the car! It's totally worth the joy she experiences though :)

Baby Bump!!!!!!

Finally! A picture of my baby bump from our beautiful second little girl! I have been trying, and failing, at taking my own baby bump pictures (although one came out alright), until I finally gave in and had Tom take some for me :) These are from 22 and 23 weeks along! As a side note, I LOVE Lillian's hair in the Pebble's Do! :)

My own belly portrait ;)

Friday, July 23, 2010

New at this!

Ok, so I've been wanting to learn to blog for a long time, and FINALLY decided to try it out! I though it would be fun to post pictures of our growing family, so that we can keep everyone up to date. Hope you enjoy it! :)

One month pics!

Lillian was born in Tucson, Arizona. Here are some pics of her first month of life!

Grandpa Tom

Happy Birthday! May 23, 2009. Welcome Little One!

Welcome Lillian Sofia Bailey! May 23, 2009. Born at 7:52 pm, weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces!